At Future Medicine Now, we are fluent in orchestrating the resolution of complex disorders and managing severe levels of disharmony. We also welcome the opportunity to show healthier individuals how to avoid finding themselves in advanced states of ill health. We enjoy guiding clients through the obstacles standing between themselves and good health. We give our all to each client we see. And we love what we do.
Ours is a practice devoted to long term health partnerships.
In order to sustain the level of care offered here, I can see only a limited number of people. And I need reciprocation. If a prospective client’s attitude, willingness, and commitment are not in alignment with a favorable outcome, then both parties can waste a lot of time.
Life is short. Personally, I prefer moving through karma quickly, assimilating the lesson, and getting centered for the next one. That’s not always the way it plays out, but that’s what I shoot for.
The Case Review is a way of expressing this preference. It is meant to reveal whether or not working together will be a mutually gratifying experience. It saves precious time in getting on with our lives — yours and mine.
Please know that I am not deterred by a ‘pre-existing condition’. Everyone I treat has a pre-existing condition, whether they know it or not. Nor am I intimidated by severe, advanced, difficult, or complex conditions, diagnosed or not. These are the individuals I have treated since I began practice. They are my bread and butter. And I am their servant — as long as they’re on board.
The Case Review asks that you write a narrative of your condition’s evolution and current state. In addition, a fourteen page questionnaire is completed. The questions in this document are beyond tedious factoids — they paint perspectives you may not yet have perceived in your quest for relief. I give your documentation the undivided attention it deserves, and it is honored in the strictest confidence.
The cost for this service is $200, payable in advance, non-refundable.
This service is designed to help us both understand the nature of your condition, to evaluate your level of commitment to seeing your condition resolved, and the priorities which motivate your choices. In this way I can determine whether or not to proceed by proving myself to you. If your case is accepted, you will have my full commitment to your care.
If you are ready for what I have to offer, then the Case Review delivers us, off and running with a wealth of valuable information to illuminate the exciting journey we are mutually initiating.
If you’re not to that point, then you will have learned much about yourself and your condition, and you will be far better prepared to work with another practitioner or experience a different situation. In either case, time has been compressed, and we’ve each taken an important step on our respective paths. How valuable is that?
Ordinarily, a Case Review takes 3-4 business days after I have received your information. You will be contacted by me promptly upon its completion.
If you’ve read this far, I don’t need to tell you that most Americans are not interested in learning or participating in their own health. Rather, they adhere to the illusion that they can pay someone to do it all for them. “Just give me a pill, please. I’m sick of this pain - headache - depression - fatigue - unbearable condition!”
Future Medicine Now caters to a different kind of client, and rewards them handsomely for their efforts. We cater to those who are willing to be the clients of the future, now.
The Case Review, if accepted, is followed by your first visit — four hours of discovery (we’ll take breaks, as needed) with a primary care physician (Dr. Horton), examining how you got where you are now, why past choices have been unfruitful, and determining what is keeping you at your current level, or deteriorating. Physical and other tests will be performed. An initial diagnosis will be made. Required lab tests will be identified and ordered. Treatment will be planned and initiated, and guidelines for your participation will be provided.
Four hours may seem like an excessive amount of time to you. When it’s completed, you will agree that it’s not. You will have begun to perceive how much perspective is required to correct or manage your condition. While I do my best to make things as simple as possible, there is a steep learning curve ahead, believe me.
The cost of the first visit is $600, payable in advance. Lab tests, medicinals, and some services are additional.
Oh, yes… We’ll also laugh a lot and put things in their proper perspective. After all, we’re in the process of resolving your pain! How much more fun could that be?
Clients often travel from out of town to begin the process of resolving and stabilizing their condition. If we schedule four hours for your initial visit, and that’s not enough, we’ll take what time is necessary. After that, I will need to personally meet with out-of-town clients periodically. Close communication is vital to this process. Monitoring complex cases without a high degree of contact is nearly impossible. We’ll find a schedule that works for everyone, and we can make efficient use of modern communication tools between personal meetings.
To request a Case Review, please call 505.266.5681. Once you have arranged for the Case Review, you will receive an email with instructions and the keys to the required documents, which may be downloaded from this website. Our office hours are:
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
- 9AM until 1PM,
- 3PM until 7PM.
2202 Menaul NE
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