Our physical and mailing address is:
The office is on Menaul near Princeton, just east of the the intersection of University and Menaul. See below for a Google Map.
If you’re approaching from the east on Menaul, there’s a slight kink to entering our parking lot — you must go past the office and make a u-turn.
Often, it’s faster and safer to come down the freeway (I-40), take the University exit, turn right on University at the light, and right again at the next light (Menaul). Then you’re heading eastbound (toward the mountains) on Menaul. It’s just a few hundred yards to the office on your right, just past the Rodeway Inn.
If this is confusing, just ask Siri — she’ll know.
We’re in the first floor office at the southern end of the building — far end of the parking lot. We look forward to seeing you.
We may be reached by:
- Phone: 505.266.5681
- Fax: 855.342.8676
- email:
drhorton (at) futuremedicinenow (dot) com
dr.swanback (at) futuremedicinenow (dot) com
(In order to stem the tide of spam, we do not provide clickable links to our email addresses on this website.)
This site is best viewed in the current version of Safari.